For New SAHCs

For new SAHCs

Welcome new SAHCs!

If your state-level public health role relates to adolescent health, we are your people. Funding streams and institutional homes change, but most state and territorial health departments have housed some form of State Adolescent Health Coordinator position(s) since the mid-1980s. Welcome to your new role.

6 To Dos

We have a simple onboarding plan for you. Whether you sequence these six steps over three weeks or three months, they will help you understand the big picture and connect with your peers.


Introduce yourself

Welcoming state adolescent health professionals to our network is the best part of our role. When you connect with us for the first time, you help us learn about you, your role, and your resource needs. We’ll send you individualized resources and tools and connect you with colleagues in similar roles. If we haven’t found you first, please reach out to us.


Build relationships

Use our moderated, private listserv to ask questions, share resources, weigh in on emerging issues, problem solve, and find supportive connections with your colleagues. Join in our regional calls where we build community and explore shared interests and challenges. Contact NNSAHC leadership for listserv and regional call information.


Find friends

Create or edit a profile in our Member Directory of your state’s adolescent health projects, funding sources, and performance measures, and claim your professional superpowers. Then reach out to colleagues doing similar work. Bookmark this website, and make a regular practice out of finding your peers.


Skim the resources

We invite you to tap into our curated resources and familiarize yourself with core resources developed for maternal and child health programs by our national partners.


Find your place

Whatever your job description includes, you are a champion for young people. We’re here to connect you to resources to help you shape your role. This Orientation Guide for new SAHCs is developed by our partners at the State Adolescent Health Resource Center. Based on 20 years of orientation and training for new SAHCs, it will provide context and tools to help you hit the ground running.


Our partners at the State Adolescent Health Resource Center published a bi-monthly newsletter packed with curated resources on timely adolescent health topics.

Join us!

Tell us about your state’s adolescent health projects, funding sources, performance measures, and claim your professional superpowers.